Y2-Day 42 – Daily Vegan

“What do you eat on a daily basis?”  It is what everyone asks when they find out you are vegan.

Next big question – Always – “Where do you get your protein?”  Well, first off. We don’t need as much protein as you think.  Two – Lots of plants have protein -Nuts, beans, lentils, peas, tempeh, tofu, quinoa and grains, greens such as broccoli, kale, spinach.  And this is enough protein even for athletes.  Same with calcium – plant sources cover our needs but you can always take a supplement if you are wary.  Studies are finding that it is an excess of protein (especially dairy/meat) that is causing osteoporosis not preventing it.

A typical easy ‘go to’ and without having to follow a recipe day looks like this (below) for me.  Ask my daughter or someone else and their preferences or ‘go to’ easy fix-in’s might look a little different.  The fun is in creating or following a recipe when I do have time but that’s not the norm around here or always possible.

Quick and Easy Breakfasts

Bottled Organic Greens/Fruit Juices

Oatmeal, almonds or pecans or walnuts with blueberries.

Tofu Scramble

A raw bar

Vegan muffin

Ezequiel Sprouted Cereal with Almond Milk

Baked apple with cinnamon and nuts

Personal Favorite: Banana with Crunchy Peanut Butter


Vegan burger on sourdough with organic ketchup and vegan cheese, onions, pickles

Avocado, lettuce, tomato and olive wrap

Black bean, Minestrone, Tomato, Vegetable or Split Pea Soups

Vegan chile with tortilla chips

A Salad with lots of veggies such as artichoke hearts, celery, radishes, cucumbers and vegan add-ons

Pasta, soy or rice fettucini or spaghetti squash with marinara

Baked sweet potato

Broccoli and hummus

Steamed cauliflower made into garlic mashed or served with vegan cheese sauce

Rice bowl with veggies, especially mushrooms, broccoli and green onions

Personal Favorite: Grilled Vegan Cheese Sandwich with a side of prepared salad and/or soup

I love to experiment but we all have seasons or times when we just have those ‘go to’ choices we find ourselves faithful to and constantly wanting to eat with devotion, don’t we?  So, if it seems I already covered this territory, maybe it needed repeating.



One thought on “Y2-Day 42 – Daily Vegan

  1. Love my AM fruit bake combos with apples, berries, bananas and crunchy peanut butter or almond flour yum yum yum! For lunch my 4 stagioni insalata: 4 colorful vegies raw for example: endive, beets, yellow pepper and snow peas!

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