Kind words are jewels that live in the heart and soul and remain as blessed memories years after they have been spoken – Marvea Johnson
Compassion, forgiveness and basically all derivatives of Love begin with me.
Kind words spoken into my head, non-judgmental thoughts and living in the here and now, elevates my self-worth, self-respect and nurtures me.
We cannot see or give to another what we don’t see or give to ourselves. You spot it. You got it.
I am what I identify with. I project what I want to see. It is time to dissolve illusion, empower you and claim the goodness within.
When in despair, believing in the unthinkable, remember Love.
Give up your attack thoughts onto yourself and others and you will free yourself from judgment and find inner peace. We tend to distance, push or pull away from those that touch us with truth and do them, a disservice and ourselves, as well.
Love is the virtue of the heart. Sincerity is the virtue of the mind. Courage is the virtue of the spirit. Decision is the virtue of the will. – Frank Lloyd Wright – from the organic commandment, 1940