Y2 – Day 161 – Assume Nothing

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill

“Lower your expectations and improve your own outlook.” – ME

Assumptions lead to resentments.  In Don Miguel Ruiz’s life changing book, The Four Agreements, the third agreement is to not make any assumptions.  You never know what is going on in somebody else’s head, how the mystery before you will unfold, or why you are asked to be in a predicament not of your own choosing.

But what is true is that grievances do not permit you to see clearly or rationally.

When I listen to the news, witness a situation or experience disrespect/disagreement/dissimilarity, I interpret it with my prejudices, background and past experiences.

The wise counsel is to let go of your version of history, release judgments you bring to the table (for whatever reason) and observe anew.  Come to each present moment with fresh eyes, with beginner’s mind.

I am not promoting sacrifice, being an easy victim or not safeguarding yourself with boundaries and precautions. Rather, I am suggesting you open up and be willing to interact, react and view each situation as unique.  Don’t be so predictable.

All the while, be in an elevated mental state that allows you to connect the dots and prioritize according to a larger vision, the big picture.

Discarding previous renderings of what we want, have, expect to see, hear and think – creates limitless abundance in our hearts and minds.

For example, take each step towards a goal as a pristine path with the awareness and faith that it all fits into a grander scheme in your aim and ultimately in your life.

Paradox is a spiritual axiom.

See each moment in your life as an opportunity to grow in love, exhibit love and share the love.  Realize it took much pain, discomfort, disappointment and soul searching to arrive here but that it couldn’t have happened any other way.  That is pure acceptance and sound wisdom.

Now go out there and be the change you want to see in the world as Gandhi said.  By exhibiting yourself as love, you bring peace and joy to every minute of every moment of every day to every one.

  “Experience is not what happens to you.

It is what you do with what happens to you.”

Aldous Huxley



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