It seems my daughter, V, also came to the conclusion she was better off vegan. Interesting – without a word between us, she jumped into it on Friday. And, so, the journey begins…Bi-coastal recipe swapping will follow. We both feel better, btw.
If you plan to eat the vegan way- get your Vitamins D and B12 from a supplement and eat your Vitamin E (walnuts and flaxseed). You get plenty of Calcium from dark greens, broccoli, etc..but I take a supplement for now.
Apples are arriving at farmstands and local farmer’s markets. Tis the season to enjoy them. Yesterday, I cut up three organic Gala apples(skins and all), placed 6oz each into small ceramic mini bun pans. I sprinkled on some organic cinnamon, tossed in two tablespoons of organic raw walnuts (broken into pieces with my fingers) and added 3 ounces of water. Then, I covered with foil and baked till the apples were tenderish at @ 400 degrees for @ 20 minutes. I removed the foil and baked till golden, @ 10- 20 more minutes depending on your oven. The exquisite juice became syrupy and no need for sugar. It was like having an apple pie for only 175 calories and organically healthy. Every bite had crunch, a toasted, nutty flavor as well as a tart and melt in your mouth feel full of apple filling.Before Baking
Set in oven, covered, so juices release and steam the apple.
Uncover about two thirds the way through.
Voila. Three desserts.