Tonight, another game. Against Calgary. Dawn Wright from Tustin will sing both the Canadian and the US National Anthems. She has become the official voice for the Ducks. Her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner is energizing. We all love her!Will Corey Perry (#10) score two more goals this evening like he shot on Sunday? Perry plays right wing and has been with the team since 2003. Ten years. He has matured into a thoughtful, focused player.Will Hiller (#1) or Fasth (#30) be the goaltender? Hiller hails from Switzerland and has had spotty successes since 2007. Sitting behind him we noticed something we never paid attention to before – he is left handed, holding his stick to the left and catches on the right.
Here’s to another great night at the Honda Ponda!!GOOOOOO DUCKS!