What I am reading lately:
I am listening to the audio cd’s of Carolyn Myss’s Sacred Contracts. I have her book of the same name and read it about seven or eight years ago. So, I am revisiting it with hopefully wiser, clearer eyes (certainly older). Oh, I mean ears. It is her definitive book and introduction to the world of archetypes and symbolism. So gleeful was I in my reverie of all things New Age, I ordered her latest tome on archetypes via Amazon. Now I believe I own about seven of her books. She writes well, is an intuitive and she sounds just like Paula Poundstone, the comedian (who I resonate with and has a very distinctive voice), so everything sounds tongue in cheek even though Carolyn Myss is dead serious.
I am just about finished with The French Don’t Diet Plan by Dr. Will Clower. This has been an essential adjunct to The Perfect Ten by Dr.Michael Aziz. It’s back to real food, no preservatives, chemicals, additives, faux food or fast food. It’s all about slowing down, pleasure and savoring. Yum. Which led me to purchase The Slow Food Diet by Marc David, whom I am listening to in the car. His audio cd collection is called Mind, Body, Nutrition. Wow, I guess I am a bibliophile since I listen to books as well as read them and amass them. Pulled out my old 1997 copy of The Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People by Jill Podjasek I have highlighted and flagged to death and realize – It’s the same advice and counsel! Will have to re-read.
Every one of these authors’ intent is to bring us back to basic, good ole common sense, whole organic foods and moderation. I am loving it. So is my BFF. I have lost four pounds since March 21 which is only about one pound per month but I feel super energetic, was taken off my HRT and my belly fat has shrunk three inches at least since June 12 when I recommitted to training and was measured. I feel like I have a monkey off my back and will never diet again.
I am also reading Marianne Williamson’s latest, The Law of Divine Compensation whenever I am in the mood for spiritual insight and validation. I keep it on my night table and read a page or two or more before my eyes get super tired and then switch over to lighter fare… like my new mystery, Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers. This is not a modern story. Sayers wrote and lived in the 1920’s and 30’s. She was a great inspiration to the contemporary detective fiction writer, Elizabeth George of much acclaim. The only negative critique I have, is the way too small font this 5th edition, copyright 2012 by Bourbon Street publishers chose to print with. Lord Peter Wimsey is her aristocratic sleuth and I got hooked because of a PBS series on Masterpiece Classic Mysteries I watched a zillion years ago.
I am still engaged and almost finished with The Tao of Womanhood by Diane Dreher. It is a thoughtful self-help/spiritually based book for women. Although written in the late ’90’s, it still dispels a prescription for incorporating calm and wisdom into the ordinary daily life of every woman at any age or time.
I am excited to receive my Amazon arrivals, finish what I have started and maybe later in the summer, open up one, two or three more books (of the many) I have strewn under, propped up against or nearby, my side of the bed.
What are you reading this summer?