day 213 – Back on the train gang

I’m back.  I feel my groove.  I got the burn going on. And all because I started training with J again today.  I went back to her for five good and simple reasons:

1) I was getting flabby.  At my age, a few weeks of time away from weightlifting or resistance training are quickly and unfavorably noticeable.

2) I am not, on my own, motivated, willing or disciplined enough to work out and put myself through pain – for any gain.

3) I missed her terribly.  She had become a confidante, a kindred spirit and a trusted fellow sister.  I look forward to our time together more than the actual exercise or I wouldn’t go at all.

4) I get results.  Consistency and proper form is extremely important to her. The Quality of my silhouette while performing matters more than the quantity of my repetitions. I learn how to not hurt myself and retrain my body’s posture.  I was starting to hunch forward again and I need the reminders.

5) Training with J helps me feel confident, capable and strong.

We have many aspects to our health – Mind, Body, Spirit.

When it comes to the body, I know for me, I need four areas of attention: the walking/aerobic exercise, the whole organic nutrition, stretching and the resistance/weight training.  All of these in combination make for a happy, healthy Cecilia.

Thank you J, my walking buddies and everyone that cheerfully applauds, prays, stimulates and roots for my finest health!

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