Looks like we were able to raise over $900 for Doctors Without Borders and the World Food Program to service and help the Nepalese. We meditated on the heart and did Tonglen, a practice wherein you breathe in all the sorrow and breathe out peace and love for the victims and their grieving families.
From an e-mail sent out today by the founder of the TAO Tribe and organizer for this event: “The Dalai Lama has said, compassion is the ‘new radicalism,’ a way of living every moment from a space of open-hearted love and empathy toward all beings. His Holiness has said that if the human race is to survive, this kind of compassion will be a necessity and not a luxury. All of us who attended last night felt the truth of the Dalai Lama’s words, and the power of joining with others to practice this kind of compassionate meditation.”
I feel honored to have been such a small part of this event. I am grateful I was able to bring my singing bowls and help create a space of tranquility.