My last vegan meal in Berkeley was preceded by THREE different vegan cupcakes. Chocolate with Peanut Butter Frosting, Cocoa with Mocha Frosting and Ginger with Lemon Frosting from TWO different Bakeries. I was pretty full but I couldn’t pass up a late night dinner with my son and girlfriend in North Berkeley at an incredible Italian eatery across from the Safeway. The name of the restaurant is Lo Coco’s and it was the best bread on the planet, served with a piquant olive oil. It seems, after raving to our waiter, that his dad began the starter for the bread THIRTY years ago after arriving from Sicily. It has a secret, special bacterial ingredient that crossed the Mediteranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean giving it its flavor and texture. Tears? The loaves are small and irregular, crispy and salty with a buttery crunch but no butter is used. The success of the bread is due to the original starter that evolves and has matured and changed over the years. I also ordered a small veggie pizza with no cheese.
I just drove back down a few hours ago. Luckily, the owner’s son gave us a few extra loaves to bring down to OC and we just re-toasted them up and enjoyed them. Not as fabulous as when they were fresh, dimly lit and eaten with M and J but it was nice to share with my husband, daughter and boyfriend and bring them a little taste of foodie heaven.
I am exhausted but sated. Tomorrow, we become true empty nesters again. All our chickadees will be together in the Bay area this summer and I love having family in Nor Cal so I can visit and have an excuse to eat like that again.