I know I am inspired by my Goddess if I am changed, giving joy to others. WE are the ones that block the sunlight of the spirit.
I usually tend to tell another person, what I need to hear. When I give encouragement, it is meant for me too. When I give advice, it is meant for my ears as well.
Miracles are an extension of love, through you. A miracle is a change in your perception and comes from within you, a source of love. I am love, therefore. You are too. Our identity is the perfection of love and pure joy enveloped in the peace of mind. You and I perform the miracles, here on earth.
Everything is either an extension of love or a call for love. Follow your heart and take your brain with you. In everything, ask yourself – ‘what is the purpose?’ ‘What is my motive?’ The answer will direct your course or direction and you will know how and where to put your effort in the future. Are you a hostage to your ego? Or are you a host to your highest self? Have the openness and willingness to have your best self correct your thoughts and perhaps change your view – choosing joy, love and peace.
In your most elevated mind and manifestation, you are strong, powerful, unlimited, knowing, certain, real, and in the light. Your highest self permeates the space between your ears. We get to choose miracles with a new thought pattern. We connect principles with our minds. We separate and disconnect with our false egos. Thoughts travel faster than the speed of light so keep your level high.
My Goddess is an idea but I am also an idea held in the mind of my Goddess as a thought. Love is an energy transferred between us. A vision we sense through action. Embrace your identity of pure love, joy and peace and spread it.
My loss of peace is always about an incorrect perception. Your interpretation of reality may be veiled. Surrender what you believe to be true. Surrender judgment and enter discernment instead. Be vigilant and expect miracles. Oneness.