Daisies, lilacs, tulips, daffodils, lilies, hyacinths, ranunculi, roses, poppies, sweet peas and freesias!! These are just a few of the blossoms that bloom and burst onto the scene at springtime. In honor of the spring vernal equinox which occurs on Tuesday, March 20th, we will be celebrating Spring in yoga class all week.
Spring is an awakening of the earth, a renewal. In order to bring about a safe and balanced rebirth within us, we will intensify the experience with the profound energy of the magnesium silicate mineral known as Serpentine. It’s element is Earth and it aids in connecting us to Mother Nature.
Fresh cut flowers will adorn our circle, green tea and lilac scent will enhance the mood and mildly stimulating asanas (poses) will restore, support and equalize our physical systems.
Come join us as we welcome in the Spring!
Spring Fruity Organic tea will be served at the Home Studio