day 40 – 12/21/12

The end of the age of Pisces and competition – the beginning of the Age of Aquarius and collaboration – the winter solstice – the shortest day of the year – A time to reinvent ourselves.


Take the time today to reflect on 21 ways you can improve, change, continue, edit, omit, try and to be of service: to yourself and all of humanity.


Be the change you want to see in the world!


I know I want to improve on my personal performance, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

I need to change my negative thinking, my terrible food choices sometimes, and my irresponsible mouth that speaks often-distorted opinions way too loudly.

I desire to continue my ten daily rituals. See day 35.

I know I want to edit my words, actions and responses more carefully.

I need to omit and delete harmful, processed and sugary foods from my diet.

I desire to try and succeed completing a 21-day strict vegan detox.

I know I am being of service when I feel internally rewarded and I see a smile inside my soul.

I just wrote seven sentences, yet there are more than 21 ways I included in those seven sentences wherein I plan on living in this age of transformation.

I encourage you to take the time today to review, wonder and write down how you will contribute in this ever-changing world in your ever-changing life.

As we evolve and develop – a new world will commence to materialize and reveal itself.  We have the power to make it an existence based on peace, love and compassion.  We can welcome and embrace a brave new world where justice, equanimity and level-headedness prevail even while co-creating, co-existing and co-discovering.


Take the time today!


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