You are entitled to have time outs. Spirit encourages you to make time for self-care and to nurture self-love. You will become available and accessible to those you love when you treat yourself kindly.
Courage: Accepting and Loving me for who I am – right now at this moment in time.
Courage: Moving through a feeling, facing your fear without running away, editing, changing or suppressing your self-expression.
Courage: Allowing yourself to be vulnerable to people who have your best interests at heart. Agreeing to and receiving help openly.
Courage: Discerning your will from the Highest Good’s will and then setting aside self-interest for the more difficult, least attractive to the Ego’s choice.
Courage: Acting from a place of love and compassion, not fear.
Courage: To have heart.
Courage: Living life to the fullest on life’s terms, now, at this moment without balking (maybe a little whining but surrendering anyway).
Capuccina the cowardly cat who seeks courage like everyone else…