My daughter E challenged me to write a little something to go with a picture I was musing over. I DO miss Berkeley where this was taken. And I wanted to take a break from memoir ( I am so sick of talking about me) and write a little fiction to wet the whistle.
“Here’s another tray, Dani!”
“Oh thanks, Poopsie. Now the whole display case is set and full of chocolates.” Dani arranged the toppled shiny red candy hearted peanut butter filled bon bons neatly, lining them up behind the viewing case. She raised her head as a passerby walked in front of the glass front of the Chocolate Box Shoppe and then returned to her former stance, head and hands focused on her task.
Jangling, a brass bell, attached to the entry door, announced a customer.
Dani stood up straight and swishing back her auburn, blond wavy locks, first on the left and then behind her right shoulder, inquired. “Can I help you?”
“Yes”, the handsome broad smiling stranger answered. “I’d like to get an assortment of chocolates for my mom. I’ve never been here before but I was walking by trying to figure out what to get her for her birthday and it dawned on me, she’s crazy for beautiful, artful sweets.”
“Would you like to try a sample?” piped Dani. She could not help but notice he was not wearing a ring of any sort and his green, brown eyes, framed by dark, long and curled up lashes were absolutely “Mesmerizing!” she thought.
“Thank you. I’d love to.” He replied.
to be continued?